5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Starting A Startup

And what to know before taking the plunge

The most important decisions you’ll make in life are where you live, who you spend time with, and what you do. Those three things determine almost everything else.

And if you’re going to start a startup, the "what you do" becomes even more important.

So you’ve got to be very sure it’s the right call before you take the plunge.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Starting a Startup

We want to figure out two things: Should you start a company, and should you start this company.

Is Now the Right Time For Me to Start a Startup?

Starting a company from scratch is a grind, especially during the early stages. You (and your family) have to be prepared for late nights, headaches, and stress.

You may think you've had tough jobs before, but it’s different when the entire company is yours and it isn't something you can truly prepare for ahead of time.

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